Paul Lesti


Paul J. Lesti, CSSC, RSP, MSSC is President and CEO of Lesti Structured Settlements, Inc. and is one of the nation’s leading experts on Structured Settlements and Periodic Payment of Judgments. He has served as an expert witness in Economics, Structured Settlements, and Periodic Payment of Judgments. He is a Certified Structured Settlement Consultant, a Registered Settlement Planner, a Master Structured Settlement Consultant, and a licensed annuity agent.

Since 1982 he has consulted on or Consultanted over 25,000 Structured Settlements cases. He has worked on notable cases including the collapse of the Kansas City Hyatt Regency Hotel, the Las Vegas MGM Grand Hotel fire and the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Additionally, Paul has worked on a pro-bono basis for the September 11th Victims Compensation Fund.

He is the author of Structured Settlements, 2d, (Thomson West Publishers, 1993, and updates) and the co-author of numerous articles for Trial, National Trial Lawyer, The American Bar Association Journal, and other professional publications. He has consulted with The Wall Street Journal, CBS and other media regarding litigation economic issues.

He is a founding member of the Board of Directors of the Society of Settlement Planners and is a current member. He is a member of the National Structured Settlement Trade Association. He has a degree in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley and the following designations: Certified Structured Settlement Consultant, CSSC, by NSSTA in cooperation with The University of Notre Dame; Registered Settlement Planner, RSP, by the Registry of Settlement Planner, through Texas Tech University; Master Structured Settlement Consultant, MSSC, by NSSTA in cooperation with The University of Notre Dame.

Paul is actively involved with serving his local community. He has served on his city’s Planning Commission and was its chairperson, and he also chaired the Parks & Recreation Commission. He served on an advisory committee that looked at land re-use issues when Moffett Naval Air Station, a nearby naval base, was taken over by NASA. He was the first elected community co-chair of the environmental cleanup Restoration Advisory Board for this property and served as a member for several years.